This section contains exhibitions both personal and with my participation. The topics of the exhibitions are related to my main interests — textile art and children’s creativity.
Gender Scissors Paper
The exhibition "Gender /scissors / paper" is dedicated to children’s creativity and games on the pages of the Soviet magazines "Chizh", "Hedgehog", "Murzilka", "Cricket", "Funny Pictures", etc. in the period from the 1920s to the 1980s. Board games, paper "clippings" and paper models of equipment, "puzzles" and puzzles — all these are components of children’s daily life of the Soviet era. The gender order in the Soviet Union was formed by the state and can be divided conditionally into three periods, each of these periods is reflected in children’s culture.
Реконструкция памяти: вышивая семейный архив
The exhibition was held in the Yamuzey space (Kineshma) and represented an artistic interpretation of the family archive, embodied in embroidery, printing on fabric, hand theater and other objects of applied creativity.
Участие в групповой выставке
«Берите бумажки, столбики и деревяшки»
The exhibition was held at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and was a game exhibition with works by avant-gardists El Lisitsky, Vera Ermolaeva, Yakov Meksin, Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, Eduard Krimmer and contemporary authors. For this exhibition, I created a cardboard installation and conducted master classes for children.
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